GeoGems advises and supports you on many topics : geological studies, gemstone quality control, data management and analysis…
GeoGems is committed to strengthening and supporting teaching teams, in classical gemmology but also in addressing scientific aspects and current issues.
Research and Development
GeoGems has the skills and abilities to conduct Research and Development programs. The objective is to respond to various issues raised by the sector, by developing new analyses and/or tools for concrete applications in the gemstone sector.
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Mentions Légales
Siège Social: 14 Place du Marhallé, 44350, Guérande, France
Locaux: 2 rue Alfred Kastler, incubateur IMT Atlantique, 44300 Nantes, France
Capital social de 15 000€
SIRET: 914 858 444 00013
RCS Saint Nazaire
TVA intracommunautaire: FR17914858444
Organisme de formation enregistré sous le numéro 52441090644, Cet enregistrement ne vaut pas agrément de l’Etat