
IMG_5331 2

Spessartite garnets, rough, cut and mounted

Identification & Expertise

You need to identify some gemstones? The gemologists at GeoGems can help you to know exactly what stones are on your jewellery and in your stocks. 

GeoGems covers the supply chain from the mine to market. Thus, GeoGems offers all kinds of support and services, and notably on gemstone purchase. Whether you are a professional wishing to be accompanied in the field, or an individual seeking to make a purchase for an event or an investment, GeoGems will be able to advise you. 

Do not hesitate to contact us so that we can define your needs together.


Open-pit mine

Geological Studies

Gemstones’ deposits have a distinctive feature to which few geologists are trained: the quality of the gemstones. The colourful world of gemstones requires that the quality of the gemstones extracted allows the exploitation to be profitable. With a team of geologists specialized in gemmology, GeoGems supports you in understanding your deposit, and advise you on exploration and mining methods. Whether for bibliographic research, daily monitoring of operations, processes optimization, or in preparation for a competent person report (CPR), GeoGems will give you the useful keys to ensure efficient, profitable and easy operations.

*Boris Chauviré and Lauriane Pinsault have the EurGeol title, giving the ability to act as Competent Person

Flat rate, set per project

graph MRM

Global ruby spply analysis

Data analysis & Market studies

The data collected by a company has become a crucial and valued asset. The implementation of data collection and storage systems makes it possible to effectively analyse and communicate your data, facilitating the daily management of your projects, as well as the decision-making processes. GeoGems supports you in optimizing your data management through the creation or improvement of files and databases meeting a specific need, the analysis of collected data, or the creation of dashboards. GeoGems also carries out market research based on global data analysis, allowing you, for example, to assess your market share or prepare for a product launch. 

Flat rate, set per project

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Siège Social: 14 Place du Marhallé, 44350, Guérande, France

Locaux: 2 rue Alfred Kastler, incubateur IMT Atlantique, 44300 Nantes, France

Capital social de 15 000€
SIRET: 914 858 444 00013
RCS Saint Nazaire
TVA intracommunautaire: FR17914858444

Organisme de formation enregistré sous le numéro 52441090644, Cet enregistrement ne vaut pas agrément de l’Etat

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